15 research outputs found

    Foreword IRIS39: Living in the cloud

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    IRIS 39 was hosted by University West in Sweden, and was held in Ljungskile, Sweden, August 7th-10th 2016. This academic series is published by AIS – IRIS, The Scandinavian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems. The publication is located in the AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)

    Foreword - System Design For, With and By Users

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    Front page and foreword to Issue 6 of IRIS selected papers

    Boundary Objects or Coordination Mechanisms?

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    Boundary Objects (BOs) and Coordination Mechanisms (CMs) are terms with a long history in CSCW. They have both been used widely since their initial definition. We find the concepts used in the same settings to describe some form of collaboration among different peoples or group of people. Sometimes it seems that the choice of concepts has not been thought through. Thus, in this paper, we give a detailed description of both concepts, and then we discuss them side by side by highlighting six issues that researchers should take in consideration before defining an object as a coordination mechanism or a boundary object

    The filter bubble and its effect on online personal health information

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    EquiP: A Method to Co-Design for Cooperation

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    In Participatory Design (PD), the design of a cooperative digital solution should involve all stakeholders in the co-design. When one stakeholder’s position is weaker due to socio-cultural structures or differences in knowledge or abilities, PD methods should help designers balance the power in the design process at both the macro and micro levels. We present a PD method that addresses the power relations arising during the design process and draws on theories about participation and power in the design and organisation of change processes. We contribute to Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) by using the PD method to design computer support for cooperation on cognitive rehabilitation between people with Mild Acquired Brain Injuries (MACI) and their healthcare professionals, where strengthening the cooperation is considered an element of patient empowerment. This method is presented as a contribution to the intersection between PD and CSCW. The discussion of power in PD contributes to the discussion of cooperation in CSCW. We found that EquiP supported the creation of choices, and hence the ‘power to’ influence the design. This method can contribute to a power ‘equilibrium’ and a positive-sum power relation in PD sessions involving all stakeholders.publishedVersio

    Programmering som et pedagogisk verktøy i matematikkundervisningen

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    Programmering i skolen er et høyst aktuelt tema, og interessen for forskning på dette temaet er økene. I dette prosjektet har vi utviklet og fulgt et undervisningsopplegg ved to skoler i Østfold, hvor programmering har blitt testet i matematikkundervisningen. Elevene på skolene tok i bruk programmeringsverktøy for å løse matematiske oppgaver og problemer. Dette prosjektet fungerer som en forstudie for å finne ut hvordan programmering ble tatt i mot av elever og lærere på de to skolene. Det konkluderes med at programmering i matematikktimene kan være en annerledes måte å løse matematiske problemer, og gi elevene et annet perspektiv på matematikk. Derimot er det faktorer som bør vurderes hvis programmering skal innføres som et pedagogisk verktøy skolen

    Foreword - Designing Human Technologies

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    The Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS) is of an annual meeting of Information Systems (IS) researchers. The IRIS seminar distinguishes itself as the oldest IS seminar in the world, as it has been established in 1978. IRIS is organised by the IRIS Association, the Scandinavian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). The articles of this fifth issue of the IRIS Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia were originally proposed by the working group chairs (senior IS researchers). The selected papers have an acceptance rate of 25% of the original submissions. All of the papers of the IRIS seminar have gone through a peer review process

    User experience in social robots

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    Social robots are increasingly penetrating our daily lives. They are used in various domains, such as healthcare, education, business, industry, and culture. However, introducing this technology for use in conventional environments is not trivial. For users to accept social robots, a positive user experience is vital, and it should be considered as a critical part of the robots’ development process. This may potentially lead to excessive use of social robots and strengthen their diffusion in society. The goal of this study is to summarize the extant literature that is focused on user experience in social robots, and to identify the challenges and benefits of UX evaluation in social robots. To achieve this goal, the authors carried out a systematic literature review that relies on PRISMA guidelines. Our findings revealed that the most common methods to evaluate UX in social robots are questionnaires and interviews. UX evaluations were found out to be beneficial in providing early feedback and consequently in handling errors at an early stage. However, despite the importance of UX in social robots, robot developers often neglect to set UX goals due to lack of knowledge or lack of time. This study emphasizes the need for robot developers to acquire the required theoretical and practical knowledge on how to perform a successful UX evaluation.publishedVersio

    Innovasjonsreisen – innføring av digitale trygghetsalarmer på veien mot Helsevakt: Følgeforskning i Fredrikstad kommune

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    Denne rapporten viser resultater fra et oppdrag med følgeforskning for Fredrikstad kommune. Vi har benyttet et organisasjonsteoretisk perspektiv på prosesser som kommunen og deres ansatte, brukere og pårørende er med på i arbeidet med installering av digitale trygghetsalarmer og veien mot en eventuell helsevakt. Våre hovedfunn er informasjonsflyt, en felles strategi og felles målsettinger er kritiske faktorer for å lykkes i omstillingsarbeidet. Pårørende har ikke inntrykk av at brukerne har fått noe nytt, det er en trygghetsalarm. Nesten alle brukerne som er spurt, er veldig fornøyde med den digitale trygghetsalarmen og mener den er enkel å bruke, men ifølge pårørende kan brukerne bli forvirret av blinkende lys. Noen av de største utfordringer organisasjonen har i utviklingen av tjenesten, her levering av digital trygghetsalarm, er revirtenkning på ulike nivåer, mellom profesjoner og mellom de ulike organisatoriske enhetene. Det er også en utfordring at arbeidet med skiftet fra analog til digitale alarmer ikke blir sett på som eller behandlet som en endring. For ansatte er det er nødvendig med endrings- og samhandlingskompetanse i tillegg til å beherske det rent praktiske i forhold til hvordan alarmene fungerer. Når det gjelder samhandling, er informasjonsutveksling og det å ha noen faste møteplasser viktig